Friday, January 10, 2014

Train Miniature Dachshund Young puppies

Miniature dachshunds are an easily recognizable breed with short legs and long bodies, hailing from Germany. Originally bred as rabbit-hunting dogs, miniature dachshunds are now more often playful companions than hunting dogs. They are very intelligent and devoted, although they can be very stubborn. Training a miniature dachshund puppy is often challenging, but producing an obedient dog is well worth your time and effort.


1. Set up your puppy's crate in a quiet location of your home. Miniature dachshunds are small dogs that can be easily injured if allowed to roam unsupervised, so teaching him to lie quietly in his crate is important. Place a few of his favorite toys inside the crate to keep him occupied while you are away.

2. Fit your puppy with a collar as soon as possible. A collar is a necessary training tool, so getting him used to it while he is young will make later schooling easier. Adjust the collar so you can put two fingers between the collar and his neck.

3. Choose an unused section of your yard as a potty area, and take him to the same spot every time he has to go. Dachshunds are very smart and will quickly learn to potty in the same area every time. Take him out to the potty area after meals and when he wakes to prevent accidents in the house.

4. Feed your puppy at the same time every day to allow you to monitor how much he eats and to help you predict when he might have to go potty. Miniature dachshunds can be gluttons, so carefully monitored meals will help keep your puppy from becoming overweight.

5. Take your puppy with you on short trips to allow him plenty of opportunities to socialize. Frequent trips to the pet store or dog park will allow your puppy to become familiar with other people and give him a chance to interact with other dogs.

6. Teach your puppy simple obedience commands, beginning with come, sit, down, stay and heel. To teach him to sit, put his collar and lead on him and hold a treat in your hand. Give him the command to sit, and pull up gently on his lead, moving the treat backward over his head until he sits. Reward him with the treat as soon as he sits.

7. Work with your puppy in 10- to 15-minute sessions two or three times a day. Miniature dachshund puppies have short attention spans, so these small training sessions will allow your puppy to retain the information you have taught him.

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