Monday, January 13, 2014

Have A Dog From Marking Territory

Stop Territoral Marking Today!

Territorial marking is a very common behavior for dogs. It is also very frustrating for dog owners. This behavior can sometimes happen when the dog gets older.

Stopping the behavior requires a combination of managing the behavior and teaching your dog where it is unacceptable to urinate.


Keep a Dog From Marking Territory

1. The first step is to spay or neuter your dog. Studies have shown that 60 percent of male dogs will cease marking once they have been neutered. In females, the percentage is even higher.

2. Use a crate when your dog is left alone. Managing your dog's behavior is crucial when it comes to territorial marking.

3. Bring your dog out on a leash to teach and reward your dog. You have to teach your dog where it is acceptable to urinate.

4. Keep a close eye on your dog. In order for your dog to learn that it's unacceptable to mark, you have to catch your dog in the act, not after. Rubbing your dog's nose in his urine after the fact is not a good idea.

5. Clean up is very important. You need to clean all the areas that your dog has marked. If you use any product that has ammonia in it, it will make the behavior worse. Ammonia smells like urine to a dog. This will cause your dog to mark over the area that you have cleaned. Also, most commercial cleaning products will not completely remove the scent to your dog so he will continue to mark in the same spot.

Use a product like Nature's Miracle that is specifically designed for cleaning pet urine. It naturally breaks down all the enzymes and completely removes the scent.

Clean using a product like Natures Miracle or Petzorp. These products have enzymes that naturally break down the smell.

6. Use a black light to find all the places that your dog has urinated. A black light will reveal all the spots when you turn out the lights and walk around with the black light. Once you have found all the places your dog has marked, clean each spot with Nature's Miracle.

7. Territorial marking will occur when there is stress added to the dog's life. A new baby, new dog, bitch in heat etc. If you can determine what the underlying problem is, help your dog to adjust and the territorial marking behavior will be resolved much quicker.

8. Most dogs that mark are dominant. The owner should implement leadership exercises and strive to be the leader in the household.

9. Basically it boils down to proper management, proper clean up, becoming the leader, spaying or neutering your dog and finding out what the underlying problem is. By following the steps outlined in this article you will see results.

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