Even though they get a bad rap, pit bulls are usually friendly to humans.
Pit bulls, also known as American Stafordshire terrier and American pit bull terrier, are misunderstood, often mistreated animals. Sadly, according to The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), pit bulls comprise a large majority of urban animal shelters. Pit bull dog fighting still takes place around the world and HSUS offers a $5,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of anyone engaging in the illegal activity.
In 2008, the American Dog Breeders Association (ADBA) released literature describing a standard, quality, ideal American pit bull terrier's appearance. The ADBA describes pit bulls as "sturdy and three-dimensional" and "giving the impression of strength." Additionally, the group says pit bulls as heavy-boned and athletic with a smooth musculature and a heavy-muscled neck. A healthy pit bull's coat is shiny and the dog's hair is naturally short. Except for the neck area, the skin is tight fitting. A pit bull has a prominent breastbone and small, deep-set eyes.
Temperament With Humans
HSUS notes that pit bulls are actually friendly and mild-mannered. Unfortunately, the dog's mistreatment, abuse and fighting status gives it a violent, unpredictable, vicious bad rap. The "Chicago Tribune" notes that results from a recent study by the American Temperament Testing Society show that pit bulls place higher in temperament than beagles. RescueEveryDog.org notes that pit bulls are generally confident, outgoing and loving with humans. Confinement and abuse negatively affects a pit bull's naturally mild temperament.
Interaction with Dogs
Pit bulls gain most of their bad reputation from their behavior towards other dogs. Their aggression towards other dogs is essentially hard-wired into the animal. RescueEveryDog.org notes that aggression toward other dogs is often same-sex (for example, males tend to be more aggressive with other males). Regardless, pit bulls can and do fight members of the opposite sex. The dog-on-dog pit bull fighting inclination typically shows up from eight months to two years into the dog's life. Pit bulls often give off no warning before fighting with another dog, instead almost automatically jumping into a brawl without provocation.
Caveats to Pit Bull Ownership
RescueEveryDog.org notes that although pit bulls are friendly and loving to children, the animal also may get over-excited, accidentally hurting a child by jumping or licking, especially when the animal is a puppy. The site point out that pit bulls crave attention and that nurturing and playing with them properly socializes the animals. An ideal pit bull owner is described as someone willing to devote the proper time and energy to the animal, someone who is knowledgeable of the loving nature of pit bulls and at the same time the aggressive tendencies of the dog. Pit bull ownership is recommended only for a person that considers spaying or neutering the pet, exercises the dog frequently and socializes the dog with a wide variety of people.
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