Build a 2 X 4 Gate for a Wire Fence
A well-constructed wire mesh fence can be both functional and attractive. Wire mesh fencing is a popular and inexpensive solution to containing pets and keeping animals out of your garden. By using the same infill material on the gate as that used to build the fence, the finished fence has a cohesive, professionally constructed appearance. Building a durable gate with 2-by-4 lumber and wire mesh infill is a simple project. The frame is constructed, squared and braced, then wire mesh is attached by hammering poultry wire staples through the corners of the mesh into the wooden frame. This project requires no special tools or advanced carpentry skills.
1. Sketch your gate. Include dimensions and a list of materials for reference while constructing your gate. Measure and note the distance between the gate posts and the height of the fence. The gate frame should be one inch narrower than the distance between the gate posts to provide clearance for opening, hinges and a latch. The height of the gate should be the same as the fence, minus one to two inches for bottom-clearance. The gate rails or horizontal framing members are cut to the width of the gate. The gate stiles or vertical framing members are cut to the height of the gate.
2. Rotate the blade on the chop saw to make 45-degree cuts. Trim the end of the first 2-by-4 rail plank by placing the 4-inch surface firmly against the guide-fence on the back of the saw and making a 45-degree cut. All of the framing members are cut with the 4-inch surface against the guide fence so the finished frame is 4 inches deep. Measure and mark the trimmed plank so the length of the longest side of the rail is equal to the width of the finished gate. Cut the other end of the first rail. Measure, mark and cut the second rail, the same as the first.
3. Measure, mark and cut the stiles. Assemble the gate frame, like a picture frame, on a flat surface. Position an L-shaped brace on an outer corner of the frame, approximately centered to the middle of the mitered joint, so one side of the brace will be attached to a rail and the other, to a stile. Screw the brace to the corner of the frame, using a drill and driving bit. Repeat to attach the rails and stiles to create corner joints of the gate frame.
4. Trim one end of a 1-by-4-inch plank with a 45-degree cut. This cut is made with the 1-inch thick surface of the plank against the guide fence so the wooden gate braces will be 1-inch thick. Measure and mark the long edge of the plank to create a brace with divergent cuts that is approximately one-third the length of the rails. Cut the opposite end of the first wooden brace. Precise measurement of the length of the braces is less important than making all four braces the same length. Measure, mark and cut three more braces.
5. Position the wooden braces on the corners of the gate frame so the rails, stiles and braces form triangles. Align the cut ends of the braces to the outer edges of the framing members. Use two screws, evenly spaced, to securely attach the brace to the rail. Use a carpenter's square to square the first corner of the frame. Screw the other end of the brace to the adjacent stile. Repeat to square and brace the other three gate corners. Turn the gate frame over to attach the wire mesh to its opposite side.
6. Cut a piece of wire mesh with wire cutters so it is a few inches longer and wider than the gate frame. Drape the mesh over the frame so the vertical and horizontal wires overlie respective stiles and rails for secure attachment with poultry-wire staples. Attach the wire mesh to one stile by placing one staple diagonally across each of the intersections of the wire and hammering them into the the frame. Stretch the mesh across the frame and attach it to the opposite stile with staples. Repeat to attach the wire mesh to the rails.
7. Trim the mesh to the size of the frame. Using needlenose pliers, curl the ends of the wires toward the frame to prevent scratching injuries while using the gate. The finished gate may be installed, using appropriate hardware.
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