Monday, March 31, 2014

Train A Pitbull Dog To Leap In To The Air & Hold Onto An Item

Pit Bulls can catch a flying disc that you throw.

A Pit Bull can be an excellent addition to your family. Despite the negative connotations surrounding this breed, Pit Bulls are generally loyal and sweet as long as they are properly trained, according to the ASPCA. Pending your Pit Bull gets the care and attention needed, behavioral issues should not generally be an issue during training. One popular trick is teaching your Pit Bull to catch a flying disc. This will require you to train the dog to jump into the air, catch the flying disc and hold onto it.


1. Practice throwing the flying disc yourself. Attempt to throw it outward at about eye level so that your Pit Bull can run out and catch it in flight. If you throw it too high, the flying disc will sink straight down, making it harder to catch. The speed of your dog will vary, based on his age and conditioning, but he should be able to catch up with the flying disc as far as you can throw it.

2. Plan to throw the flying disc to your Pit Bull for at least 10 to 15 minutes, according to Pit Bull Rescue Central. This will give your dog enough time to expend its energy, along with at least a 20-minute walk, to help keep it calm throughout the day.

3. Fill the flying disc with food and allow your Pit Bull to eat out of it. This will create a positive association within your dog to the disc.

4. Move the disc in front of your dog's face while all four paws are still on the ground. Move it toward and in front of your dog's mouth and give a treat and praise when the dog bites down on it.

5. Place the disc on the ground upright and roll it in front of your dog. Your Pit Bull will most likely chase after it. Continue this exercise until your dog learns to catch the disc as it rolls. Reward with treats and praise to reinforce the behavior.

6. Throw the flying disc just a few feet and keep it low to the ground. Do not aim at your Pit Bull just yet. If by chance the disc should strike your dog, a fear instinct may develop. Let your dog watch you throw it and reward when your Pit Bull attempts to catch it.

7. Incorporate a command as your Pit Bull attempts to catch the low flying disc, such as "Get it!" Then, add "here" or a similar command to get your dog to hold onto the disc and bring it back to you. After a while, stop offering treats and praise for just catching the disc and reserve rewards for when your dog actually keeps the disc in his mouth and brings it to you to throw again.

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