Friday, January 17, 2014

Kill Fleas Outdoors

Fleas are parasites that can latch onto humans and animals alike, spreading disease. Many people choose to attack the fleas before they can grow into adulthood and spawn more. By attacking the eggs outdoors you will prevent the fleas from becoming a problem and end the life cycle of those already in your yard.


1. Purchase an insect growth regulator (IGR), such as Flea Fix. This spray will spread throughout your yard and prevent flea eggs from hatching. Experts believe that eggs account for more than 80 percent of flea populations. So by destroying the eggs, the fleas will not survive.

2. Mix the IGR with water. Most flea egg destroying solutions can be made by combining 1 oz. of IGR with 1 gallon of water. Produce this mixture by pouring a small amount of water out of a gallon jug and then adding the IGR. Shake until the two are incorporated.

3. Pour the IGR mixture into a spray bottle or pesticide sprayer. Spread the mixture throughout your yard, especially on heavily vegetated areas. In addition, spray any place where your animals frequent such as dog beds or kennels. IGRs are not harmful to humans or animals.

4. Measure the square footage of the area you are spraying in order to properly spread the IGR. One gallon of the mixture will cover 1,000 square feet. In order to calculate this area, multiply the length by the width of your yard and spray the appropriate amount.

5. Repeat the process three times a year in order to prevent new flea colonies from forming. Begin in the spring, around the first of April and proceed from there.

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