Friday, January 24, 2014

Choosing The Right Puppy

Picking the Right Puppy

Picking the right puppy for your family is important and should be carefully thought out. Your family should be involved in picking out the puppy since you will all be living together. The puppy will need to feel comfortable and loved in her new home. There are questions that should be answered before you decide on a puppy but if asked then you will pick the puppy that is right for you and your family.


1. Consider the size. The size your puppy will grow into needs to be taken into consideration. If you have small children then you might not want a small dog. Some smaller dogs tend to be more excitable, which may cause them to nip small children. However, bigger dogs may knock over little kids when playing with them.

2. Decide inside or outside. Are you going to make your puppy an inside or an outside pet? If it will be inside then you need to make sure that you are prepared to have some of your things chewed up or destroyed. There may even be times when you have to clean up after your puppy when she has an accident. If it will be outside then you need to get your yard fixed up for a new puppy, such as have a good doghouse with plenty of shade and either a sturdy chain or fence.

3. Pick a breed. The breed of dog that you pick is important. Some dogs have health issues that are particular to that breed. Mastiffs are prone to hip dysplasia, bone cancer and heart disease due to their fast growth rate and big size. Some dogs, like Chihuahuas are better as a one person pet. For a family with small children, you need to pick a breed that is friendly, good with kids and easily trained.

4. Determine which sex you prefer, a male or female puppy. With males you will have to deal with marking its territory while with females you will have to worry about unexpected litters a couple of times a year.

5. Choose long hair or short hair. Taking care of a puppy is an every day job. This doesn't just mean feeding and watering your puppy, but also grooming her. Every puppy will need brushing but especially those with long hair. There could even be the problem of your dog shedding and getting long hair on all of your furniture, clothes and carpets. Grooming also entails keeping nails blunt and keeping teeth and ears cleaned.

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