The reverse sneeze often alarms dog owners, who may think their dogs can't breathe.
Reverse sneezing is an involuntary spasm, caused by an irritation of the soft palate. During the spasm, air is rapidly pulled in through the nose and produces a loud snorting, honking or wheezing sound. The reverse sneeze often alarms dog owners, who may think their dogs can't breathe. The condition is minor and generally does not require a veterinarian's attention. However, it is vital to recognize a reverse-sneeze episode and rule out serious conditions, such as a collapsing trachea.
1. Look at your dog's posture. During a reverse-sneezing episode, the dog will stand still and stiff, with his elbows turned outward.
2. Notice how the dog holds her head. The dog will extend her neck and head upward as she reverse sneezes. Her eyes usually open wide.
3. Pay attention to the sound the dog makes. During a reverse sneeze, a dog will make a loud snorting and honking sound as the air is drawn inward through the nose. It may sound like "Snork!" If your dog has had more than one of these episodes, you'll notice that reverse sneezing has a very distinctive sound. The sound of a reverse sneezing is similar to a more serious condition, a collapsing trachea. A dog with a weakening and collapsing trachea will have a chronic cough similar to the honking of a goose. A dog with a collapsing trachea makes raspy sounds or coughs when you rub his throat. He will then gag or dry-retch at the end of the cough. Take your dog to the veterinarian if you suspect a collapsing trachea.
4. Notice how long the episode lasts. Reverse sneezing lasts one to two minutes.
5. Make sure your dog is behaving normally after the reverse-sneezing episode ends. Call your veterinarian if the dog acts ill or fatigued after a reverse-sneeze attack.
6. Gently massage the dog's neck or briefly pinch his nostrils shut to get him to swallow and breathe through his mouth. You also can try carefully touching the dog's tongue to stimulate the swallowing reflex, which may shorten an episode.
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