Friday, January 17, 2014

Suggestions For Yards With Dogs

Design a backyard that is both safe and accessible for your dog.

The old saying that a dog is man's best friend rings true for many people. Dogs are part of the family and deserve their own special place to play in the backyard. You can design your backyard to meet the needs of your active animal as well as those of the humans in the family.


Build a fence to keep your dog safe and secure in your backyard. You can choose to put up a wooden or chain-link fence. Enlist the help of a contractor for this project if you are not comfortable with your own skills for installation. Be sure to choose fencing that will keep your dog contained in the yard. If you have a small dog, choose a fence where the slats are close together so that it can not escape. If you have a large animal, choose a fence high enough that the dog is unable to jump over it.

Special Elimination Area

Choose an isolated area of your yard and train your dog to eliminate there. Mark it off with a small border of stones or edging or use a bare patch of the yard to help give the dog a visual clue to differentiate it from the rest of the yard. Take your dog out on a leash and encourage it to eliminate in the spot. When it does, promptly reward it with a treat. As your dog becomes more used to the idea, allow it off-leash. This will protect your grass and allow you to walk freely in the yard without the fear of stepping in any dog waste.

Agility Course

Dogs require exercise and enjoy tasks that use their mental abilities. Agility training helps to reaffirm your alpha position with your dog and provides it with a challenge and exercise in the process. Set up a small agility course in the backyard. You may purchase agility equipment at your local pet store or build your own equipment. If you choose to make your own, you could erect a simple pole structure for your dog to jump over. Work with your dog on a daily basis to train it in use the equipment.

Dog Play Area

Set up a play area in your backyard specifically designed for your dog. Purchase a plastic baby pool and fill it with water. Allow your animal to play in it during hot weather; be sure to refresh the water to keep it clean and free of bugs or bacteria. Place appropriate dog toys in this area. Be sure to monitor the dog during play.

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