Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Eliminate Ringworm Within The Atmosphere

Ringworm is one of 40 types of fungi called dermatophytes that can cause skin infections in companion animals and humans. Ringworm can survive in the environment for an extended period of time. According to the Merck/Merial Manual for Pet Health, fungal spores that shed from cats can exist for as long as 18 months. Spores are airborne and can cling to any surface in your home when transferred through the air vents. Prompt treatment of ringworm infections in pets may rid the infection temporarily; however, to prevent reinfestation you must eliminate ringworm in the environment--namely, your home.


Ringworm Environmental Control

1. If you have an indoor pet who is being treated for ringworm, isolate the pet in one room of the house with temporary bedding (such as a cardboard box). This room will be the last one you thoroughly clean after your pet has completed his course of treatment and is ringworm-free.

2. Vacuum and damp mop. Do not sweep as this stirs up ringworm spores and causes them to spread. Vacuum all carpeting, rugs and soft surfaces, such as upholstered furniture and drapery, air-conditioning ducts and furnaces. If you have a pet who is being treated for ringworm, vacuuming should be done on a daily basis until treatment is completed. Dispose of the vacuum bag immediately after you are through.

3. Clean all hard surfaces. Prepare a mixture of 1 part bleach and 10 parts water. Sponge or mop counters, desktops and floors--anywhere that dust can accumulate. If you have a pet being treated for ringworm, perform this task twice weekly until treatment is complete.

4. Disinfect all items with which a ringworm-infected pet has come into contact with. Use a water-bleach mixture as described in step 3. Anything that cannot be disinfected, such as soft toys, wicker pet baskets and cloth collars, should be thrown away.

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