Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Cheap Mange Remedies

Mange can be treated inexpensively.

Mange is a parasitic infection that affects dogs. In order to treat your dog for mange, it is first important to identify the type of mange and severity. Demodectic mange and sarcoptic mange are caused by different types of mites and require different treatments. Puppies most often contract demodectic mange while sarcoptic mange can affect any dog and is highly contagious. There are various inexpensive and natural treatments to treat mange.

Home Remedies

A solution that is made with 2 tablespoons of borax with 2 cups of 1 percent hydrogen peroxide can be directly applied to affected areas on the dog's skin. Wash your dog with this solution, and let it air dry, about once a week until the condition clears.

Use plain yogurt on the inside of the ears to clear the mange. Add 1 tablespoon of cider vinegar to the dog's food. Boil sliced lemon in water and let sit overnight, and then apply it to affected areas. Apply fresh honey to reddened, affected areas to soothe and reduce redness.

Homeopathic Remedies

The use of homeopathic products such as silicea, sulphur and psorinum help in the treatment of affected skin which is infected by mange. These products come in pellet form, liquid and tablets and work best for demodectic mange. The liquid is recommended for dogs which can be given on top of the food. Speak with your veterinarian for specific dose for your dog. A definitive diagnosis to the type of mange your dog has needs to be determined before treating with homeopathic remedies.


An insecticide called Prolate/Lintox-HD can be used to treat mange and other parasites. Mix 1 ounce of the Prolate in a gallon of water. The solution can be used to dip your dog (let air it dry) two to three times a week for two weeks, being careful to protect the eyes. The solution can also be used in a spray bottle to spray on your dog and its kennel and other belongings.

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