Thursday, January 9, 2014

Take Proper Care Of A Red-colored Nose Pitbull

Pit bulls are loving family dogs and are gentle with young children.

Rudolph the red nosed -- pit bull? It is true that some pit bulls have red noses. Some have black noses. Some even have bluish noses. These dogs, however, all belong to a single breed: the American Pit Bull Terrier. Aside from nose color (and individual personality), there is no difference between these dogs. Pit bulls are an affectionate breed that craves human attention. They are intelligent but can be headstrong and stubborn. Despite their gentleness toward humans, they can be dog aggressive. It is the responsibility of any owner to train and care for his pit bull to help it lead a balanced and healthy life.


1. Establish rules for your pit bull to follow from the moment it puts its paws inside your home. A stubborn breed, they will take over a household if given the chance. Claim your position as pack leader by enforcing your pit bulls rules consistently. Be gentle but firm as you enforce the rules, always rewarding your pit bull for obeying the rules. If you do catch it disobeying, interrupt it with a noise (or tell it to get "off" if it's jumping up or getting on the furniture) and then reward it when it listens to your command.

2. Socialize your pit bull from an early age. Pit bulls were bred to be patient with people, but they were dog fighters and may not be so patient with other dogs. Introduce your pit bull to other dogs, puppies, cats, small animals, children and strangers. Reward your pit bull for being brave, calm and friendly during these meetings. The more positive experiences your pit bull has meeting strangers, the more confident and less aggressive it will be in the future.

3. Teach your pit bull basic obedience commands using positive reinforcement training. It should learn to sit, stay, lie down and come on command. Sensitive dogs, pit bulls don't respond well to punishment, so make training fun with praise and rewards instead. Don't punish your pit bull for making a mistake or you risk causing fear and aggression. Instead, reward your dog for what it does right to encourage it to repeat the appropriate behavior.

4. Exercise your pit bull daily. Pit bulls are energetic dogs and can become destructive if they don't get enough physical activity. Avoid bad habits by taking your pit bull for at least two walks every day. recommends walking your pit bull at least half a mile each day. Play with your pit bull as well to help it get even more exercise and to give it time to bond with you. Games also give your pit bull an outlet for its more destructive instincts and can save your home and furniture from its bored teeth.

5. Feed your pit bull dry kibble that is formulated for large breeds. Average pit bulls weigh between 30 and 55 pounds, though some can get much larger than that. Feed your pit bull twice daily, using the food package label as a guideline for recommended daily amount. Pit bull puppies should be fed puppy formula kibble until they are at least a year old.

6. Groom your pit bull as needed. Brush it at least once a week to remove dead or loose fur. Its short hair won't tangle and doesn't need to be brushed more than that. Bathe your pit bull as frequently as you feel necessary to keep it from smelling or becoming greasy to the touch.

7. Provide your pit bull with bones, chews and toys to keep itself entertained when you are not playing with or walking it. These items will help stimulate its mind and exercise its teeth and jaws, all while keeping it from getting bored and taking its frustration out on your belongings.

8. Take your pit bull to the veterinarian at least once a year. Get any necessary vaccines updated and ask your vet to give your pit bull a full physical checkup. This can help detect any potential health problems early on and ensure that your pit bull stays healthy throughout its life.

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