Friday, June 28, 2013

The Fundamentals Of Open Your Dog Childcare

A daycare for dogs is helpful for their owners.

A dog daycare is a service that many people need to rely on when they go out of town and cannot take care of their pets. The daycare will provide everything that the dog needs, from food to medication to a nice long walk outside or it will not succeed. To avoid failure, you'll need to understand everything you need before you open up your own dog daycare. Only then can you properly care for and nurture the dogs while their owners are away.


1. Find enough space to care for the dogs. Depending on how many you are planning to take in at one time, make sure you have enough room for them to exercise and play. You also need to make sure that the space is relatively open and spare of furniture, because some of the dogs may not be house trained. It is imperative that you check your local zoning laws to ensure that it is legal to open a dog daycare where you are planning to. Make sure you check your specific city and county laws.

2. Get kennels with locks that are guaranteed to stay locked. You will also want to get plenty of dog toys, blankets, beds, food and water bowls and grooming supplies. You will need multiple brands of dog food as well if you do not ask that the owners provide their own.

3. Determine if you will have employees. If you are the only one working there, then you will have much more to do. If you are going to hire someone, you will need to consider filing additional tax information for the employee.

4. Market your daycare around town with fliers. You should also keep business cards on hand wherever you go in case you run into a potential client.

5. Make sure you keep accurate records of every dog that comes in and goes out. You need to ask to see the dog's registration papers and ascertain the dog's shots are up-to-date. With all the paperwork you'll be keeping, a filing cabinet is a must. Place it somewhere safe but close by so you can easily access any records you need.

6. Make sure you have filled all the state requirements to open a daycare. Some states do not require a license, but you need to be absolutely sure you live in one of these states if you do not apply for one.

7. Educate yourself with basic training techniques for dogs. Also be prepared in case of any emergency. For example, what would you do during a fire? You may want to consider learning give a dog CPR, and you definitely want to be able to distinguish when a dog is sick and what to do in that case. Make sure you have a vet you can call if something goes wrong. You need to prepare yourself and learn what to do in case of a dog fight.

8. Prepare yourself to feed the dogs and give them their medication according to the specifications set by their owners. Some will need to eat twice a day, some once and they may be allowed specific amounts. Do not mix dog food because it could make them sick. Aside from food, you need to allow the dogs to get exercise. They can run around, but be careful that you do not have too many dogs out at once in case of a fight. Take them for walks and give them plenty of water. Keep a record of every dog's daily life with a schedule that you can hang on their kennel door.

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