Monday, June 24, 2013

File A Complaint In Regards To A Woofing Dog

File a Complaint About a Barking Dog

A constantly barking dog can be a real problem between neighbors and a sensitive subject to broach, as many pet owners treat their pets like their children. Neighbors can become defensive when approached about the behavior of their dogs, however in most cities there are ordinances against allowing your dog to bark and disturb the neighbors. If your neighbor has a chronically barking dog and they are unwilling to address the issue, you may need to file a formal complaint.


1. Contact your local animal control office. Procedures for filing a barking dog complaint vary from city to city, so you will need to contact your local animal control office for information that is specific to where you live. They can tell you the exact laws surrounding barking dogs in your area and give you the forms you need to fill out.

2. Contact the dog owner. You should attempt to resolve the situation with the owner of the dog before filing a formal complaint. Armed with the legal information from Animal Control, you can speak to them in person or leave a note in their mailbox. Many local animal control websites have letters that you can print out and leave for the owners of barking dogs. Once they are aware of the issue and the legality, they may take steps to correct it immediately without further problem.

3. File a written complaint. Once you've tried to contact the dog owner and the problem has not been corrected, you can file a written complaint with animal control. An animal control officer will go to the owner's house and discuss the situation with them and help them find out why their dog is barking and make it stop.

4. File a second complaint. If the problem persists, you will need to file a second complaint. This will result in an officer visiting the house again and maybe even issuing a citation for violation of the noise ordinance.

5. Attend a hearing. If the problem still does not get resolved, the owner of the dog will have a chance to attend a hearing and you as the complainant will have to attend as well. If you do not attend, the charges will be dropped. This can result in bad blood between neighbors so all steps to resolve the situation before this step should be taken.

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