Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Clean Your Dog Pen

Clean a Dog Pen

Any dog owner knows that keeping up with a dog's pen can be quite a challenge. Dogs can be messy, but it's actually part of their nature to keep their territory clean. Most dogs will be happiest in a clean environment. If you provide your dog with an opportunity to keep from soiling his pen, he will usually take that advantage.


1. Consider your dog's existing pen. Information about how the pen is enclosed, the type of ground covering and the number of dogs that stay inside will help you decide the best way to keep the pen as clean as possible.

2. Use a gentle weed killer to remove the grass in the floor of your dog's pen. If the pen already has a dirt floor, skip this step.

3. Sprinkle baking soda over the surface area of the pen. The baking soda will help neutralize the smell.

4. Cover the area with a generous layer of mulch. The wood in the mulch will further absorb the odor.

5. Walk your dog outside his pen a few times each day. He will get in the habit of waiting to do his business when he goes on his walk.

6. Clean your dog's pen every day or two. Add mulch as needed.

7. If cement covers the ground of the pen, you can clean it easily by hosing it off daily. However, you will want to include a grass-covered area or add a piece of carpet so that your dog can stay cool on hot summer days. You may also want to pressure wash the area periodically.

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