Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Sanitize A Dog Area

To keep your pets healthy, you need to clean and disinfect their living areas regularly. Diseases and/or parasites propagate quickly in soiled pet bedding. Floors, walls and even the metal bars of pet cages easily harbor germs that can cause health problems if you don't clean and disinfect them. If your pet has been ill, it's especially important to sanitize the area to prevent re-infection. No matter how healthy your pet is, disinfecting his area is an important part of pet care.


1. Put on rubber gloves and a dust mask to avoid direct contact with germs and any parasites that might be in the area.

2. Remove machine-washable bedding, if applicable, and wash it in your washing machine. Use hot water and regular laundry detergent or, if the pet has been ill, use a germicidal detergent for veterinary use (you can buy these at many pet stores).

3. Remove pet toys and dishes from the area. Wash pet dishes in hot water and detergent in your kitchen sink, unless they are dishwasher safe. Plush pet toys can't be easily disinfected and you may need to throw them out if your pet has been ill.

4. Sweep or vacuum the floors. Mix hot water and a pet-safe disinfectant (if the label indicates you should dilute it) in a clean bucket. If you used a germicidal detergent for washing bedding, you can use this detergent for the floors and other hard surfaces as well.

5. Dip a sponge in the solution and wipe down all cage/kennel bars, if applicable, and all washable surfaces, other than the floor.

6. Use a mop dipped in the disinfectant and water solution to scrub all areas of the floor. You may not need to rinse the floor--check the disinfectant label. Before leaving the area, use a sponge dipped in the solution to wipe the soles of your shoes--this prevents you from contaminating other areas with germs from the pet area (or you can use disposable shoe covers, if you wish). Allow the disinfectant to dry before letting your pet back in.

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