Thursday, June 20, 2013

Secure Straps To Help Keep Dogs At The Back Of A Pickup

Properly securing straps to a pickup truck can save your dog's life.

More than 100,000 dogs die every year from falling out of pickup trucks, according to Edmunds. Some counties and states have made transporting dogs in the back of pickup trucks illegal, while others allow this form of transportation. Sudden braking, bumps in the road, blasts of air from oncoming or passing vehicles or your pet's desire to jump out of the truck are dangers that dogs face when riding in truck beds. If you are going to put your pet in the back of a pickup, you should securely fasten the restraint straps to ensure a safe ride for your dog.


1. Place a harness on your dog. Ensure a snug fit in which you should be able to place two fingers under the straps.

2. Set the dog crate into the middle of the truck bed with the door facing the back of the truck.

3. Put your dog into the crate.

4. Attach your dog's harness to the inside of the dog crate.

5. Use two heavy-duty ratchet straps with metal hooks to secure the crate inside your pickup bed.

6. Hook the first strap onto your truck's tie-down clip toward the driver's cab, and run the strap through the crate and continue to the opposite tie-down clip at the back of the truck bed.

7. Clip the second ratchet strap into the driver's side tie-down clip, and run it through the crate to the passenger's side tie-down clip.

8. Tighten both ratchet straps.

9. Use your body weight to tip the dog crate to ensure the straps can securely hold the crate. If the crate moves more than 6 inches, tighten the ratchet straps.

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