Thursday, June 13, 2013

Stop Your Dog From Biting Its Tail

Dogs bite their tails for one of two reasons: either medical or behavioral. Medical reasons for itching can include fleas, a skin disorder or irritation, or impacted anal glands. A skin condition can cause a dog to bite until the flesh is raw, increasing the chance of infection and sometimes requiring antibiotics. Behavioral issues usually stem from boredom or obsessive tendencies. A long wagging tail is a temptation within easy reach. Restless dogs who get bored need the stimulation of exercise or other activity to distract them. Before you treat your dog, determine why he bites his tail.


Stop a Dog from Biting its Tail

1. Examine your dog's tail carefully for signs of fleas, hot spots, or redness. If a skin issue is involved, see your veterinarian for advice.

2. If the biting has medical origins, the vet might give you a topical antibiotic for the tail. To make sure your dog leaves his tail alone so the sore can heal, bandage it with medical tape or spray it with bitter apple to make the spot less appealing.

3. If you treat the problem without veterinary help, be sure whatever substance you put on the tail is nontoxic, since the dog will probably gnaw at it. Try aloe or a lukewarm bag of green tea to soothe the spot or dusting powder to dry it.

4. If you see no physical reason for him to bite his tail, it's a behavioral issue. Make sure he has plenty of toys to occupy him when you aren't with him.

5. When he bites, do not offer rewards or treats to divert his attention. Instead offer him a toy or walk away from him. Keep a variety of toys near spots where he spends time.

6. Distract him from biting by taking him for a walk. Make it a routine that he learns to looks forward to. If possible, exercise him in a large fenced area where it's safe to run, or let him play with other dogs.

7. If he continues to bite his tail, the problem might require the services of a pet-behavior specialist. Your veterinarian should also be consulted regarding the next step.

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