Monday, June 24, 2013

Stop Your Dog From Woofing

Stop a Dog From Barking

Barking can be an extremely frustrating behavior that our dogs exhibit. It can also get you in some hot water with your neighbors if your dog is constantly barking. In this article you'll learn some quick and easy ways to stop your dog from barking.


1. Teaching your dog the word quiet has to be done with a consequence. If your dog is barking and you say, "Quiet," but don't follow it up with a consequence your dog will keep barking.

2. Use breath spray. When your dog barks say, "Quiet," in a firm voice and then immediately give your dog a quick squirt of breath spray in your dog's mouth. Most dogs do not like the taste, smell or sound of the breath spray. Your dog will associate the word "Quiet" with the negative consequence of the breath spray. Done repeatedly your dog will learn the word "Quiet."

3. When you can say, "Quiet," and your dog stops barking without you spraying your dog, you can start to reward your dog. If your dog starts barking and you say, "Quiet," and your dog stops, quickly say, "Good quiet," and give your dog a treat. Your dog now understands the command "quiet".

4. Another effective way to stop your dog from barking is a citronella collar. It is a very gentle way to prevent barking without using electronics or harsh methods.

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