Monday, June 17, 2013

Plants That Eliminate Fleas

Plant lavender in your garden to repel fleas.

It is understandable that you are looking for natural ways to rid your pets and home of fleas. You can grow several plants in your garden that will deter fleas, minimizing the risk that your dog or cat will come into contact with the pest. The University of Florida IFAS Extension also recommends methods such as washing your pet's bedding weekly, vacuuming floors with a beater-bar vacuum cleaner and brushing your pet's fur with a flea comb. Before applying any plant leaves to your pet's skin, find out about possible toxic or fatal side-effects.


Pennyroyal repels fleas. But, according to Colorado State University, some pets that have been rubbed with pennyroyal leaves have experienced contact dermatitis, toxic symptoms and even death. Humans have also died from drinking a tea made of pennyroyal leaves. If pennyroyals along with other members of the mint family are planted in the garden, they act as effective flea repellents. But if your pets will likely go near the plants, the risks far outweigh the cost of planting pennyroyal.


It's a win-win outcome when you plant lavender in your garden. Not only will you have fragrant and attractive purple blossoms spring up; lavender also makes an ideal companion plant as it deters common garden pests, such as white flies and coddling moths. It will also repel fleas from your garden scape. You can take it a step further, by harvesting some lavender, drying it out and adding it to your pet's bedding. You can also buy commercial products, such as lavender oil to rub on your pet's body or a lavender pillow for him to sleep on.


A traditional farming saying goes: "Plant fennel near your kennel." This is because of the herb's effectiveness as a flea repellent. Fennel also deters other garden pests such as aphids and attracts beneficial insects such as ladybugs. Unfortunately other vegetables and plants do not do well in while growing in company with fennel. That is not to say you cannot heed the mantra's advice and plant a small patch of fennel near your dog's house or cat's stamping grounds. You can also throw dried fennel foliage inside your animal's kennel for further protection.


Chrysanthemums come in a variety of shapes, colors and sizes and are a real treat in any garden. One chemical found in chrysanthemums disables and kills the nervous system of fleas. In fact pyrethrum, an insecticide found on garden shop shelves, is derived from chrysanthemum extracts.


Wormwood is an herb that grows into a shrub and can be planted near your pet's kennel to deter fleas. You can also make a tea by crushing some of the leaves and adding them to apple cider vinegar to apply to your pet's fur.

Other Plants

Sage, marigolds, garlic, rosemary and lemongrass can also be planted in your garden to repel fleas. Something your cat will adore, catnip, will also act as a flea repellent.

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