Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Raise Bloodhound Young puppies


Bloodhound puppies typically provide their owners with a lot of love and laughs. These droopy-faced dogs are goofy and humorous and have hearts of gold. Raising a bloodhound puppy to grow into a well-behaved, respectful adult takes a lot of work because bloodhounds are usually stubborn animals. However, once you are successful in raising and training your bloodhound, you will likely find that it was worth the effort.


1. Show your bloodhound that you are in charge. Bloodhounds are generally stubborn, which makes raising one a bit challenging--especially when yours thinks he is the leader. Always make your puppy wait for your permission before you let him eat and handle his food so that your scent is covering the kibble. Walk through doors ahead of your bloodhound to reinforce your dominance and when on walks, always keep your bloodhound next to you. If he is allowed to walk ahead, he will think he is leading you, which will make him the alpha or lead dog.

2. Keep your bloodhound in a crate when you are not home or are unable to supervise. In the bloodhound world, the nose knows. Their instinct to follow their scent can get them into all sorts of trouble, especially when they are puppies and are free to roam a house. Keeping yours in a crate will not only keep him safe, but will assist in housebreaking as well.

3. Leave your bloodhound in a crate to prevent him from soiling in your home. Bloodhounds will avoid eliminating where they lie; therefore, he will do his best not to potty in his crate. However, puppies cannot hold their bladders for more than a few hours at a time. Typically, a bloodhound puppy can hold it for the same number of hours as they are old in months, that is, a two-month-old puppy can go two hours without messing. Take your bloodhound out at the same times each day to establish a routine and let him go outside immediately upon exiting the crate.

4. Rub your bloodhound puppy's ears and feet and touch his face to get him accustomed to this sort of handling. Bloodhounds have long, droopy ears that are prone to infection and need regular cleanings. Getting your puppy used to the process will make it easier to perform when he is an adult. In addition, bloodhounds typically have eye discharge that needs to be cleaned daily, along with nails that need to be clipped weekly. It is easier to teach this to a small bloodhound puppy than a 100-pound adult.

5. Walk your bloodhound on a leash and only let him run free in fenced areas. Bloodhounds will follow their noses without regard to anything else around them, often leading them to danger. Therefore, never trust your bloodhound off of a leash or in an area that isn't contained. Walk with your bloodhound while he is a puppy to get him familiar with the leash.

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