Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Develop A Duplex Doghouse

A duplex doghouse is great for providing shelter to two dogs without occupying a lot of space in your backyard. In this setup, a doghouse is separated down the middle by a wall so each dog will have his own space. To build a duplex doghouse, you will need to at least know your way around a hammer and nail.


1. Cut the lumber. Be sure that each partition has enough space for your dogs to turn around in. Measure the length of your larger dog and add 12 inches for the width. The length of the house is equal to the larger dog's length plus 18 inches. To get the height of front portion of the house, add 9 inches to your dog's height; add 3 inches for the back to create a sloping design.

For the duplex, simply double the dimensions to accommodate two dogs for your duplex doghouse.

2. Build the base. Cut the 2-by-4s to size and butt the ends together. Secure the joints of the base using weather-resistant screws. Fit 3/4-inch plywood into the base to form the floor panel. Secure the panel to the base with screws.

3. Install the sides. The sides of the duplex doghouse should be angled to keep your dogs dry. To make sure that the pieces are identically angled, attach the two together with the use of double-sided tape and cut the sides at an angle of your choice. Add in a third plywood piece for the middle partition. Drill weather-resistant screws to secure the sides to the base.

4. Screw corner braces on the corners of your duplex doghouse to keep the structure sturdy and watertight. To create a brace, screw two strips of plywood together.

5. Divide the duplex doghouse in two by placing the angled plywood panel down the middle of the house and securing it to the base by screwing braces to the corners.

6. Glue 1 1/2-inch-thick insulating foam along the cavities of the house's walls to keep your dogs warm during the winter and cool during summer. The dimensions of the foam will correspond to the size of the inner portion of the wall (the part closed in by the corner braces). Cover the foam with plywood to keep your dogs from chewing into it.

7. Cut the door openings for the duplex doghouse before you install the front. Make the width of the door 3 inches greater than the dog's width. Use a saber saw to cut the opening. Repeat the same procedure on the opposite side

8. Cut the plywood for the roof. These pieces should be cut larger than the whole duplex doghouse. Secure them at the back edge using a piano hinge. Screw the piano hinge onto the upper part of the back wall and on one edge of the roof. Glue tar paper onto the roof to cover it.

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