Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Indications Of Distemper Inside A Dog

Canine distemper is a highly contagious and potentially fatal viral infection. Young puppies are the most likely to be infected but proper care and vaccination can ensure your puppy is safe and healthy. If you see any of the signs of distemper described here, consulting a veterinarian early may save your dog's life.

Dogs At Risk

Canine distemper typically affects puppies from 3 to 6 months old although all dogs are susceptible. Puppies have a lapse in natural immunity after they are weaned from their mother's milk but before their own immune systems are fully developed. This vulnerability makes them more likely to become infected with dangerous viruses.


The virus is spread through contact with infected bodily fluids including respiratory secretions, urine and feces. The respiratory secretions may also be spread through airborne exposure. Water, food or toys that have been in contact with an infected dog can also spread the virus. Be sure to quarantine any infected dog and sanitize areas of possible contagion.


Canine distemper spreads quickly throughout the body, affecting the lungs, intestine, nervous system and optic nerves. The first sign is discharge from the eyes, followed by fever, nasal discharge, cough, diarrhea, vomiting, lethargy and lack of appetite. The fever may subside after a few days, but then return around day 10. If the virus spreads to the nervous system, tremor, seizures, confusion, involuntary elimination, convulsions and paralysis may occur. Some neurological symptoms, like tics and tremors, may be permanent in dogs that recover.


Infected dogs should be quarantined and kept warm. There is no cure for the virus, but antibiotics given to treat secondary infections of the respiratory and digestive systems are key in treating infected dogs. Intravenous electrolyte fluids that curb dehydration and administer much needed nutrients are also crucial.


Effective and safe vaccines are available so all young puppies should be vaccinated. Before a puppy has its full course of vaccines, pet owners should be wary of parks, dogs parks, groomers, doggy daycares and even puppy training classes. Caution is essential to all puppy owners; be certain all dogs your puppy comes into contact with are vaccinated. Continue with the vaccinations even after your puppy becomes a dog to keep her safe.

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