Thursday, December 5, 2013

Treat A Puppy Having A Cold

Puppies with flat noses are prone to respiratory infections.

Respiratory infections -- commonly called "colds" -- affect dogs with compromised or weak immune systems, notably older dogs and puppies. Caused by both bacterial and viral infections, your puppy's cold often shows in fits of sneezing and coughing. You may see mucous in the puppy's nostrils and the corner of its eyes. Your puppy may be running a fever and not want to eat. Your veterinarian should determine the cause of the cold, typically allergic rhinitis (allergy related) or tracheobronchitis, known as "kennel cough." Learning care for your pet at home not only hastens a cure, but also saves you money on clinic visits.


1. Administer any medications prescribed by your veterinarian. These may include systemic antibiotics or antihistamines, depending on the cause and location of the infection.

2. Isolate your puppy from other dogs in the household. The bacterial and viral agents causing upper respiratory infection --particularly kennel cough--become airborne through sneezing and coughing and spread rapidly from dog to dog.

3. Place your puppy in a warm, quiet room with an adequate water supply and encourage it to rest and eat well. Antihistamines tend to dry out your puppy's mouth and mucous membranes, so keeping it well-hydrated becomes essential to full recovery.

4. Wipe your puppy's nose and eyes free of mucous using a warm, wet cloth several times a day.

5. Use a child's humidifier in the puppy's room or place your puppy in steamy bathroom to alleviate any nasal or chest congestion.

6. Monitor the puppy for diarrhea or signs that respiratory problems are worsening. Antibiotics often cause diarrhea in puppies and you will need to contact your veterinarian immediately if stools become loose or coughing and sneezing increases.

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