Thursday, December 26, 2013

Introduce A Husky To Cats

Never leave kittens unattended around a husky.

Known for its wolf-like appearance and sled-dog roots, the Siberian husky has a high prey drive and instinct to hunt, according to the American Kennel Club. This can lead to tragic consequences if you leave the dog alone with small animals, such as kittens. If you raise the husky as a puppy with kittens, the two species may peacefully coexist. However, older dogs may require constant supervision around kittens. Take special care and extra caution when introducing a husky to kittens to ensure the cats' safety.


1. Confine the kittens to a room of their own and keep the door to the room closed to prevent access to the husky. Provide the kittens with a litter box, food, water and cat toys to play with. Kittens under 4 weeks old need a box lined with a blanket wrapped around a heating pad to keep them warm. Visit the kittens frequently to socialize them.

2. Train your husky to obey the commands, "sit," "stay," "come," and "leave it." Use a clicker training device and dog treats to teach the dog to associate a "click" with a treat. Click the device when the dog performs the commands, then treat it. Your dog must obey these commands regularly before you can allow it to meet your kittens. This ensures you have control over the dog if it tries to attack or shows aggression against the kittens.

3. Give your Siberian husky a blanket that you have rubbed on the kittens. This will acclimate the dog to the scent of the kittens. Treat the dog after it smells the blanket to positively reinforce the behavior. Do the same in reverse, allowing the kittens to smell the dog's scent on a blanket.

4. Allow the dog to sense and smell the kittens under the closed door to their room. Feed the dog in front of the room with the door closed to let it associate something pleasant with the presence of the kittens.

5. Exercise the dog prior to the initial meeting with the kittens to tire it out. Take the dog out on a short leash for a brisk walk for at least 10 to 15 minutes. Always keep a Siberian husky leashed since it can easily escape if distracted while you are outside.

6. Place a very tall climbing tree, at least 6 feet tall, in a room for the initial introduction. Huskies can jump very high, so it is important that the kittens have a high place where they can climb to escape if the dog gets free.

7. Keep your husky on a short leash during its initial meeting with the kittens. Hold the dog firmly and release the kittens in the room. Give the dog a treat when it sees the kittens and does not react by growling or exhibiting hunting behavior. If the husky shows any signs of prey drive, stay calm and tell it to "sit" or "leave it." Keep the first meeting short, treating both kittens and husky with food rewards for positive behavior.

8. Put your husky on a longer leash and allow it to meet and interact with the kittens for 10 to 15 minutes a day, increasing the time as the dog reacts positively, without aggression. Give your husky a treat ball or other toy to keep it busy, so its attention is not focused on the kittens. Let the dog off of its leash if it demonstrates consistent, positive behavior. Continue to supervise the interaction, keeping the kittens confined to their room when you are not home.

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