Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Wager Trifectas At Dog Tracks

Trifectas, or triples, are an exotic wager that is available at every dog track in the nation. Trifectas can pay off in the thousands of dollars when the long shots come in, making them the most played parimutuel pool in terms of actual money. Dog tracks have a trifecta wager available in almost every race these days, so gambling novices have a chance to really bring home the bacon if they know bet.


1. Trifectas are a wager that involve the first three greyhounds over the finish line. To cash a trifecta you need to have the winner followed by the second and third place dogs on the ticket. For instance, if you bet a 1-4-5 trifecta, then the 1 dog has to win, the 4 dog has to be second, and the 5 dog must come third for you to have a valid ticket. Trifectas are available at most dog tracks for $1, but most have a $2 base. You can also bet as much as you want on any trifecta combination. They can pay as little as single digits when heavy favorites hit the board to as much as several thousands when the real longshots shock the public.

2. A straight trifecta is the simplest one to bet. Straight means just that--the dogs must come in exactly as you have them on the ticket. Most players bet a straight trifecta when they handicap a greyhound race and feel that one dog is a certain winner and another is a good play to run second. They then choose a number of dogs to run third and bet various combinations straight in hopes of hitting the race. A straight triple usually costs $2 at the majority of dog tracks. If you hit a trifecta straight then you get the full payoff, as opposed to if you bet a $1 trifecta, which only pays half of what the $2 one does.

3. A trifecta wheel costs more than simply betting it straight but gives you a much better chance to win. Wheeling a triple involves taking a greyhound and putting it on top in the trifecta, with various combinations behind it to complete the wager. If you were to favor the 3 dog to win and wanted every other dog in the race behind it, you would go to the windows and tell the clerk "Wheel the 3 in trifectas on top." If the 3 does win, then you will have the trifecta--no matter what runs second or third, you would have it covered. Obviously a trifecta wheel will cost more than a straight triple, as you involve many more greyhounds in the bet. A trifecta wheel with a $1 base will cost you $42; to bet a straight trifecta wheel will cost you $126.

4. Another trifecta option is the trifecta box. This wager allows you to take as many greyhounds as you like in the race and box them. When you box a triple you tell the clerk "Trifecta box, 2-3-8." If the 2,3 and 8 dogs run first, second and third in any order, then you win. A trifecta box can become costly, depending on the number of racers you put in it. A three dog box will go for $12, a four dog box costs $24 and a five dog box is $60. The rule of thumb is that it costs $1 for every possible combination in your trifecta box. Boxing dogs allows you to not be as specific in your handicapping, but the cost makes it imperative that you be right often to make a profit.

5. Of these options, the trifecta wheel is probably the most commonly used strategy for experienced greyhound players. In a wheel, you don't just have to pick a dog to win. You can also choose a dog to run second or third, and then pick other dogs to win. If you were to tell the clerk "Wheel the 2,3,5 with the 6, with the 2,3,5" and if the 6 runs second and either the 2,3,or 5 runs first and third, you have a winner. As you can imagine, there are almost limitless combinations of trifecta wheels. A beginner is better off to pick a dog she thinks can win and then put three others behind it in an attempt to complete the trifecta. This costs only $6 a race and allows you to play for the entire performance without risking a lot of cash.

6. Another solid trifecta plan is to pick a dog to win and another that you think has the ability to run either second or third. Then you can choose three other runners to complete the wheel, including perhaps some long odds racers that can make the wager pay off well. Here's an example of this type of wheel: "Trifecta wheel, 2 with the 6 with the 1,7,8; 2 with the 1,7,8 with the 6." If the 2 wins and the 6 hits the ticket, along with any one of the other three dogs, you have a winner. This type of trifecta play costs just $6 total, but keep in mind that because it is a $1 base wager, you will receive only half of what the straight trifecta pays.

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