Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Applying For Grants Various Kinds Of Fundraiser

A car wash is a direct sale.

Raise money for your organization by combining different types of fundraisers. You can wash dogs for money, but if you wash dogs and sell hot dogs at the same event you can make more money. Consider the ways you can pair direct sale fundraisers with pre-sale fundraisers, community events and meals.

Direct Sale

Direct sale fundraisers are ones in which people sell an item and immediately hand to the purchaser. Children often sell candy bars or lollipops in school fundraisers. Another common direct sale item is a discount card which is filled with coupons to local retailers. You can go another route with your direct sale options though. Sell scented pencils and pens, calenders, flowers, wristbands, coloring books, fresh fruit and key chains.


Pre-sale items are bought before they are ordered. You can sell candles, magazines and gourmet cookie dough. Ask people to write a note or select an secret admirer card to place on a candy cane, lollipop or small bag of chocolate kisses candy. Buyers pay to have their candy gram delivered at a later time or date. You could also sell raffle tickets to raise money. Raffle off gift cards and other big prizes like MP3 players, televisions and ebook readers to raise money for your organization. On a specific date, raffle tickets are drawn to select prize winners.

Community Meals

Collect money for serving food to the community. Host a fish fry, spaghetti or chili dinner to raise money for your charity. Carefully price tickets to ensure you are making money. Cook pancakes and sausage for fundraising breakfasts. Pack box lunches with fresh salads or turkey sandwiches with apple slices, a bottle of water and cookies. For a change, turn the meal into a contest by allowing people compete to create the best dish. Attendees buy tickets and vote by dropping tickets into the bucket which corresponds to the meal they found tastiest.

Community Events

Pull the community together by hosting a fundraiser event. Make a family game night and charge a fee for people to enter the play area where tables are set with board games: checkers, chess, Scrabble, Candy Land and Chutes and Ladders. Charge admittance to a family friendly movie such as "Lion King," "Shrek," "Madeline," "Nanny McPhee," "Mars Needs Moms" or "Soul Surfer." Create a carnival where kids can win prizes while playing games like bean bag toss, bowling with coconuts, can knockdown and duck pong.

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