Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Provide A Dog A Merry Christmas

Your dog is a member of the family. There is no reason he cannot have a very merry Christmas right alongside the rest of the family. It can be a stressful time for a pet if you are having distant relatives over that he doesn't know well. Comfort him at this time. You know your canine better than anybody else, so give him the holiday of his dreams this year!


1. Fill a stocking with special dog treats. You can customize this to anything that makes your dog happy. If he loves socks, put one in there. Put his favorite bag of rewards in there. Put a toy if he enjoys playing, or perhaps a ball for after-dinner play on the holiday.

2. Give the stocking's contents to your dog a bit at a time, especially when the guests begin to arrive. Distract anxiety with a good treat and toy.

3. Let your dog smell the stocking so he knows more treats are coming if he gets nervous or after he finishes the first treat. His anticipation will make him all the happier as you give him the treats.

4. Arrange a special place for your dog to sit nearby when your family is having Christmas dinner. Put down a warm blanket from the dryer or doggy bed he loves. Otherwise, he will likely be begging for other food at the table.

5. Give your dog some of the healthy parts of the meal that he can eat, like some turkey, at his own makeshift bed nearby. He will be content for a bit while you all enjoy your meal.

6. Have your dog stay with trusted friends or family members if you travel. Traveling by air or car is tough for a dog. Although you may want him along on your holiday travels, it's often more kind to leave him with someone you trust. He'll get used to that place when you go away if you do it repeatedly, and he won't get as anxious next time. It's a nicer alternative than a boarding kennel or the luggage area of an airplane.

7. Keep your dog warm by giving him extra blankets on his doggy bed. Be sure that wherever he sleeps is well heated. If he likes to stay outside a lot, bring him in at night. You don't want your dog getting sick--or worse--because of the cold weather that Christmas often brings.

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