Thursday, December 5, 2013

Prevent Your Dog From Eating On Furniture

It's common for puppies to continue chewing on objects until they're 1 1/2 to 2 years old, and chew they will - on everything from your best shoes to your windowsill. Here's show your dog that there are better things to chew on.


1. Determine whether the chewing stems from teething, curiosity, boredom or a behavioral disorder. Discuss these options with your veterinarian or an animal-behavior specialist.

2. Give a teething puppy a teething ring or a frozen washcloth to chew on.

3. Watch your puppy constantly. Use a baby gate to keep him in the same room as you, or crate-train your puppy and put him in the crate with toys for short periods when you're unable to supervise.

4. Divert your puppy's attention to something appropriate, such as a dog toy, when you catch him chewing. Have toys of soft and hard textures available, and rotate them to preempt boredom.

5. Set aside specific times for your puppy to interact with you: practicing obedience training exercises, learning tricks, exercising and going on outdoor adventures.

6. Exercise your puppy, and play with him using toys. If he's tired, he won't have the energy to chew.

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