You can use wire mesh to reinforce a patio or sidewalks.
Reinforcing concrete using mesh wire can ensure lasting results for the project. Commercial and industrial concrete projects are often reinforced using a product known as rebar. For home projects, or projects requiring less reinforcement, you can substitute wire mesh. While not as strong as rebar, the wire offers stability for the concrete and may assist in preventing deep cracking or breaking. For do-it-yourself type installation, the project typically requires more than one set of hands. Plan carefully to ensure the project runs smoothly.
1. Place forms around the intended area where you will pour concrete. Lay the wooden pieces and hold in place with studs.
2. Cut the wire mesh to fit the forms. If the wire mesh is on a roll, turn it face down to prevent re-rolling. If the mesh has to be pieced together, overlap the pieces by at least 6 inches.
3. Pour the concrete according to the manufacturer's instructions into a wheelbarrow and mix with a shovel. This will make it easier to move during the pouring process.
4. Lift the wire mesh as you pour the concrete. Have a helper slightly lift the mesh while the concrete pours between the openings. This prevents the wire from pushing into the ground.
5. Release the wire mesh and let it settle into the concrete. Typically, the mesh will settle into the halfway point of the concrete.
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