Friday, May 17, 2013

Choose Dog Breeding Equipment

Today's canine breeding is business. There are many aspects of the puppy producing venture to consider including the procurement of breeding equipment. Specific supplies are necessary for both the home breeders and those involved in larger operations. Dog breeders should select quality breeding equipment appropriate for their particular situation.


1. Gather general equipment necessary for caring for dogs if you do not already have these in place. You will need at the minimum: feeding and watering bowls, collars with identification tags, harnesses and leashes, crates, grooming supplies such as dog shampoo and brushes and bedding for dogs.

2. Consider specific equipment you may want or need for the actual breeding process. These can include ovulation predictors for your bitch. Consider the "Premate" test available from (see Resources below).

3. Select an artificial insemination kit for canines if natural breeding is not feasible. These kits come with instructions on collect and store samples, as well as information on the shipping of semen. You can find an artificial insemination kit from (see Resources below).

4. Confirm your female's pregnancy with a canine pregnancy test. This particular breeding product will let you know approximately 22 to 27 days following mating whether the dog has conceived. You can find pregnancy tests at (see Resources below).

5. Plan for the birth of puppies by building or purchasing a whelping box as part of your breeding equipment. This structure should be adequately sized for your particular bitch (you want it to be cozy, while giving her enough room to stretch out and nurse a litter, but not so big as to let puppies wander and become cold). It should have rails on the inside to prevent accidental smothering of a pup should he become wedged between the side of the box and his mom. Also, you want the box to have sides approximately 12 inches in height so that the bitch can easily jump them but the pups stay secured inside.

6. Organize birthing equipment as you plan for the breeding. You should select silk sewing thread and sterilized blunt-end scissors if your bitch needs aid with the umbilical cords, petroleum jelly for lubrication, a few pairs of surgical gloves for handling the pups and an antiseptic hand scrub.

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