Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Begin A Bread Online Businesses

Start a home bakery with your favorite bread recipe

Is your great-grandmother's recipe for bread the best you have ever had? Share it with the rest of the world. Start an online bread business and let others taste your old family recipe. If you've developed your own recipe for delicious bread and you love to bake, this is a great entrepreneurial avenue for you to start from your home.


Start a Bread Business Online

1. Choose a business model. Decide whether you will ship your bread locally, nationally or internationally. One of your biggest expenses will be shipping. Also consider what condition the bread will be in by the time a long-distance customer receives it.

2. Plan the business by determining what you want to achieve. Write an informal business plan, just for your eyes, to make sure you have an attainable goal and steps to meet that goal. Calculate the financing you will need until your business starts to turn a profit. If you plan on outside financing to expand your business, you will need to create a formal business plan to show investors.

3. Buy a bread-maker. Bread-makers can range from $40 to a little rover $200, depending on the features you believe are essential. Panasonic and Cuisinart manufacture some of the most popular bread-makers. Purchase one based on the volume you are expecting to sell.

4. Schedule a health inspection. A health inspector can help you with understanding zoning laws and permits that you will need to sell baked goods to the public. Contact your local health department. Ask the health inspectors what you need to do to bring your establishment up to code. Be sure to inquire about the required licenses and apply for the ones that are essential to operate your business.

5. Stock up on ingredients. Shop at a bulk wholesaler such as Sam's Club or Flour Sack LLC. Keep track of what you spend on ingredients for tax purposes and to determine the pricing for your bread to make sure your business is reasonably profitable.

6. Develop a website. Hire a web design professional to create a sales portal to make it easy for your customers to select and pay for the bread they want. Use software developed for bakeries such as BakeSmart to keep track of orders, customer information, inventory, shipping schedules and expenses. Hire professional photographers to ensure the pictures of your bread are appetizing.

7. Schedule a taste testing. A good way to get the word out about your bread recipes is by allowing people to taste the goods for themselves. Invite the local press to attend a taste testing by sending out a press release. Use social networks like Loopt or Gallows to attract potential local customers. Miami Herald Columnist Tasha Cunningham says, "This is a marketing boon for small businesses that can use lo-so networks to announce special discounts, sales or promotions through these apps."

8. Create your menu. After the taste testing, discard the least favorite bread recipes. Use desktop publishing software such as Adobe Photoshop to print out menus to pass out to local customers at festivals or just to put in people's mailboxes. Post your menu online.

9. Price your breads to sell. Your pricing should be comparable to your competition as well as cover your expenses to produce the bread. Also include your budgeted expenses for marketing. Mark up your breads 300% to 400%. Include postage or choose to let your customers choose and pay for their own shipping options.

10. Market daily. Use every social network you can sign up with. Post menu specials, bread-making tips, and interesting bread facts to your social networks several times daily. Pay for Google Pay-per-click ads and banner ads. Remember to stay within your advertising budget.

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