Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Develop A Unique Dog House

Build your dog a house to get him out of the weather.

Many owners prefer to let their dogs stay outside most of the time. There are several reasons for this, such as the desire to let the dog live a relatively natural life and the desire to make the house a little less messy. But for a dog to stay outside for any length of time you will need a dog house. Many owners simply buy basic plastic dog houses. However, if you want something a little more special, you might consider creating and earth dome for your dog. The process is relatively simple, and the result will be a doghouse that will keep the dog warm in the winter and cool in summer.


1. Clear an area in the yard where you want to place the dog house. Stake out a circular area approximately six feet across.

2. Use a shovel to dig a trench approximately one foot deep and one half foot wide on the inside of the stakes you laid down. Leave an area one half foot wide where you do not dig. This will serve as the door.

3. Lay a plastic liner at the bottom of the trench. Now fill the trench with a two-inch bed of gravel.

4. Build a simple wooden arch to serve as a frame support for the door. Place this frame in the gap you left in the trench. Use stays to hold in place while you work.

5. Fill a large bag with dirt. Place this bag at the bottom of the trench near the door. Then fill another bag, abutting it against the other bag. Continue this process to create a layer of bags at the bottom of the trench. Add two lengths of barbed wire along the trench on top of the bags.

6. Create a second layer on top of the first layer, but stagger it so the gaps are not lined up. Add more barbed wire. The new layer should also move slightly inward from the one below it. Repeat this process as many times as it takes to form a dome.

7. Trowel on a layer of concrete over the exterior. Allow this to dry. Place a 2x4 at the entrance to block it, and pour concrete inside to form a floor. Remove the 2x4. Cut a piece of plastic in the shape of the door and attach it with a swinging hinge at the top to the wooden frame.

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