Monday, May 20, 2013

Develop A Dog Shelter

Shelter is considered a basic necessity for everyone, including our furry friends. In nature, our pets would seek out warm, dry dens in which to retreat. However, pets in captivity are forced to depend on their owners' benevolence to provide them with shelter from the elements. Whether you own a dog or a cat, or even a miniature goat, you can create a custom-made house for your pet by following some basic steps. Your choices for your individual design will be limited only by your imagination.


1. Determine the size of the shelter. This depends on the size of your pet. Since your pet will be using the shelter mainly to retreat from the elements, it need not be much larger than he is. Determine floor size by measuring your pet at its normal position for relaxation. Even though he may normally curl up to sleep, the floor should be long enough and wide enough for occasional stretching. Then measure his height while standing. Have him turn around and make note of the circumference of the circle he makes. You now have the three measurements you will use for the height, width, and depth of the shelter. Add a few inches to each of these to allow adequate room for movement.

2. Design the doorway just a couple of inches higher and wider than your pet's height and width at the shoulders. This will cause him to bend his neck a little when entering, but will help keep excess draftiness out. You may also decide to attach a weatherproof covering to the doorway. Some people use a thick sheet of clear plastic, others prefer a piece of insulated drapery or an old rug. If you are not limited by your budget, a prefabricated, store-bought pet door makes a very good choice.

3. Think about the site location for the shelter. Take into consideration the location's exposure to the elements, soil grade and drainage, as well as any other nearby structures. Decide which direction the shelter will face. Do not place the shelter's doorway opening where it will be constantly subject to blowing rain or continuous heat from the sun.

4. Decide what materials you will want to use. You can use wood for the majority of your project. In addition, consider how much decoration you wish to put into the shelter. If you want it to match your house, you will need the same type and color of siding, roof shingles, paint color, etc. Make a very basic shelter with 2-by-4 lumber, plywood, screws, tar paper, and exterior paint.

5. Construct your pet house according to your drawn specifications, using 2-by-4 lumber for framing, for the floor braces, and as edging for the door opening. Be sure to allow for an overhang of a few inches for the roof to deflect moisture away from the interior. Once you have completed the construction, thoroughly apply a weatherproof solution formulated for wood to any exposed wood. Carefully check your completed project for sharp edges before allowing your furry friend to move into his new accommodations.

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