Friday, May 31, 2013

Train A Chihuahua Puppy

The chihuahua is a tiny, delicate dog.

The chihuahua is a tiny toy dog with a big attitude. They are lively, loving, devoted and intelligent. The dog is a native of Mexico where it is considered to have once been sacred. They are believed to be a direct descendant of the Mayan dogs known as 'Techichi' who thrived in the area in the 5th century A.D. The tiny dogs are available in two coat types, short-coated and long-coated. The high intelligence of the chihuahua makes it a fast learner who enjoys pleasing its owner. The dog's tiny size makes training with a gentle hand essential.


1. Train the chihuahua on a regular schedule. A daily session of approximately 15 minutes is ideal because it will hold the small dog's attention and keep the activity fun. Always train with a positive attitude and use a happy voice. The chihuahua responds well to a happy personality. Training sessions should always be fun for both the owner and the dog. Chihuahua training can begin when the puppy is eight weeks old.

2. Place a harness on the chihuahua instead of a nylon or leather collar. A collar can easily slip over the dog's tiny head. It also will apply pressure to the delicate trachea of the dog and can actually do physical harm. A harness will fit the chihuahua snugly but comfortably. Attach a 6-foot leather, lightweight leash to the harness to begin leash training the dog. Encourage the chihuahua to walk beside you by offering ample praise and tiny treats. Talk in a happy voice during the leash training sessions.

3. Hold a treat in one hand and gently push your chihuahua's behind to the floor while saying, "sit." When the dog sits offer it a treat. Chihuahuas adore treats and praise so offer ample amounts of both. Always reward a sit with a treat. Once the sit command has been learned move on to the "down" command. While your chihuahua is sitting gently lift its tiny front legs down while saying, "down." Offer treats and praise when the task is complete. Soon the tiny dog will easily sit and lay down for the favored morsel.

Once the dog masters the sit and down commands work on teaching the dog to stay by telling it to stay for extended time periods. When the dog performs the task offer praise and a treat.

4. Call the Chihuahua from its own level. Do not stand in front of the dog to begin teaching the "come" command. Sit on the floor and call the tiny dog to your lap. When you are closer to the dog's own level it will feel less threatened and be more willing to come when called. Offer a treat promptly each time the chihuahua comes.

5. Work on housebreaking your chihuahua from the moment you bring the puppy home. Take the dog out every hour and after every meal. Be sure to promptly place your puppy outside when it first wakes up. Stand outside with your chihuahua and offer ample praise when it eliminates outside. Chihuahuas are clean dogs and most will housebreak quickly.

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