Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Do You Know The Annual Dog Vaccinations

Your dog's veterinarian can recommend annual vaccinations specific to your dog's lifestyle.

When you take your dog to the vet, he'll receive a series of vaccinations that trigger his immune system to create antibodies to fight off attacks from specific infectious agents for a designated period of time.

How They Work

After your dog builds initial immunity from her puppy shots, her antibody levels will drop over time. He'll need additional vaccinations, known as booster shots, to continue an optimal level of immunity.


Care Pets provides an example of annual vaccinations that a vet may recommend for an adult dog who has built up sufficient immunity from a series of puppy shots. These include DHLPP and Bordetella vaccines.


The DHLPP vaccine is a combination product that helps your dog develop immunity against the viruses or bacteria that cause distemper, hepatitis, leptospirosis, parainfluenza and parvovirus. The Bordetella vaccine protects against a bacterial infection known as kennel cough.

Expert Insight

The American Veterinary Medicine Association (AVMA) says there is increasing evidence that annual vaccinations are not necessary for all dogs, with some canines covered for more than 12 months, and some for less.


AVMA recommends that you work with your dog's vet to determine a customized vaccination schedule that may not include annual shots.

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