Friday, May 24, 2013

Transport A Pet Securely Inside A Vehicle

A car set up for traveling canines

How do you transport a dog or cat safely in a car? Some pets love to ride in the car. Some don't. Whether you take your pets out regularly in the car or you have to make a special trip with an animal that is not accustomed to car travel, you want your pet to be transported safely and as comfortably as possible. Here are some tips that might help.


1. Driving with a pet loose in the car can be dangerous for everyone. A pet on your lap or interrupting your driving attention is distracting. One wandering around can get under foot or even step under or on top of the gas pedal or brake when the car is in motion. Pups may love to hang their heads out of open windows, but can you guarantee nothing out there could possible entice your pal to -- just for a single, unusual moment -- get excited and leap out the window?

Additionally, if you ever are in an accident, an unrestricted pet is vulnerable to all the terrible injuries a person without a seat belt is. And being light of body, pets can be badly injured with just a sudden stop. Keeping your pet safely restrained is really the wiser and more loving thing to do.

2. The best thing you can do for your pet is to get him/her used to a travel container as early in life as possible. Younger minds are always more flexible to adaptation. Even if you don't plan on taking your pet in the car regularly, sooner or later you'll probably have to take a trip to the groomers, the veterinarian's or elsewhere.

3. Cats can explore a carry box, crate or soft transport bag as a game while you are safe at home. Dogs can be trained to enjoy crates or jump in and out of your car before you move them anywhere. Birds should always have a small transporting cage they have 'tried out' several times before any real transport. If you offer treats and make the carrier into a pleasant place, your pet will feel comfortable inside it and will be easy to get into transport mode for when real travel becomes necessary.

4. For dogs who are likely to do a lot of traveling in the car, there are special seats and seat belts available from pet stores and pet catalogs. Mine travel frequently so they have a set up in the back of my car that offers comfy cushions, regular water and even battery run fans in case the weather turns warm. You can transport a dog or cat safely in a car and make it comfortable as well!

5. For more information on caring for your pets, please check the Additional Resources below.

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