Thursday, May 2, 2013

Do You Know The Simplest Dogs To Boost

The English springer spaniel is a calm, intelligent breed.

When you choose a dog breed, know about the pros and cons of that particular type of canine. Some dogs are easy to train, whereas some are more willful and require more determined discipline. Certain breeds are complicated due to inherent illnesses, which need to be watched for and understood to keep the animal healthy. Breeds with few medical issues and high intelligence are easy to raise.

English Springer Spaniel

The English springer spaniel is a medium- to small-sized breed, measuring up to 21 inches tall at the shoulder and weighing between 45 and 55 lbs. They are a calm breed by nature with high intelligence, making them easy to train. Owners do need to be firm with them, as with most breeds, to avoid them thinking they are in charge. Good training and socializing produces a calm, loving and well-behaved pet. Health-wise, these spaniels have a few inherent possible problems such as hip issues, epilepsy and a tendency to gain weight quickly.

Doberman Pinscher

The Doberman pinscher is a large dog breed, standing at around 28 inches at the shoulder and weighing between 66 and 88 lbs. A strongly loyal breed with high intelligence, they are easily trained and obedient to their owners. As long as they are socialized from a young age, much of their natural aggression is curbed while allowing them to be effective watch dogs. They do need to know who is boss, so all family members must be firm with them. A few possible health problems exist with the breed such as hip issues, blood disorders and heart defects.

Australian Cattle Dog

The Australian cattle dog is a medium-sized dog, standing at about 20 inches at the shoulder and weighing between 32 and 35 lbs. It is a solidly built breed with coat colors ranging from gray-blue to reddish. Highly intelligent, they are easily trained and, if dealt with firmly and well-socialized, make good family pets. They are very active and need plenty of exercise and enjoy learning complex tricks. Health-wise, they have some hip problems and hearing issues.

Golden Retriever

The medium-sized golden retriever stands 24 inches at the shoulder and weighs between 60 and 80 lbs. One of the calmest breeds of dog, they learn quickly and enjoy pleasing their owners. They often are well-behaved. Highly loyal, they love interacting with humans, but get bored and destructive if ignored. They are active, but given enough exercise are calm and even-tempered. The breed does have a few possible health issues including eye problems, hip issues, heart defects and a tendency to gain weight quickly.

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