Monday, May 6, 2013

Be A Dog Trainer In Houston

Become a professional dog trainer in Houston, Texas.

Learning to train a dog is just as much about the art as it is about the science. You must have a certain amount of stamina and patience to deal with stubborn and possibly aggressive dogs as well as enough of a gentle touch to work with shy and frightened dogs. Houston has many resources available to those who are training to become dog trainers thanks to the canine-loving Texas culture and active non-profit animal rights groups in the area.


1. Start "self-teaching." Read every book and magazine you can on the topics of dog ownership, behavior and training. The American Dog Trainers network has an extensive list on their website of literature that is widely available at bookstores and libraries throughout Houston.

2. Enroll and participate in seminars and conferences from respected organizations. The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, National Association of Dog Obedience Trainers, Association of Pet Dog Trainers and American Dog Trainers Network have chapters in and around Houston. Listings for such events can be found on each association's respective websites (see Resources).

3. Offer your time at your local Houston animal shelter. Dozens of shelters exist in the greater Houston area with associations through the Houston SPCA and other local charitable organizations (see Resources). The time you spend with the dogs will give you experience and a chance to put what you have been reading and learning about to practice with the dogs and humans with whom they interact.

4. Join one of the listed professional dog training associations to learn more about the profession and gain access to other seminars, conferences and classes to continue advancing your skills.

5. Apply for certification. While many Houston organizations offer certification programs, the Association of Pet Dog Trainers recommends a national certification through the Certification Council for Pet Dog Trainers (see Resources).

6. Find employment as a dog trainer. You have two options: you can become self-employed and find clients yourself or you can join a dog training company as an employee.

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