Friday, December 6, 2013

British Bulldog Hot Place Cures

Skin folds are highly susceptible to hot spots.

Hot spots are sores on a dog's skin that results from an allergy, a bug bite or a scratch. If the spot becomes bothersome to the dog, he will excessively scratch or chew on the area, which then causes bacteria to grow. Hot spots can grow very large within several minutes. English bulldogs are especially susceptible to skin fold hot spots, which are also called acute moist pyoderma. It is important to keep skin folds dry.


Remove the fur from the area of the hot spot then clean the area with betadine. Be sure to rinse the area well as cleansers can cause further irritation.

Black Tea Bags

Soak black tea bags in hot water, let cool to tepid then apply to the area for 5 minutes three times a day until healed. Black tea bags contain tannic acids that aid in quickly drying out sores. In between black tea bag applications, apply some witch hazel to the area. Witch hazel will help to cool the hot spot.


Original Listerine has herbal properties that may help to cure hot spots by killing bacteria and drying the area. Apply liberally with a cotton ball. Most dogs will not lick the area while the Listerine is wet.

Gold Bond Powder

Apply powder to the palm of your hand and pat it gently onto the affected area. Reapply several times a day.

Bacon Grease

Bacon grease applied to hot spots is an old remedy that some people swear by. When trying this remedy, do not allow your dog to lick the grease for at least 15 minutes.

Milk of Magnesia

Soak a cotton ball in Milk of Magnesia and apply directly to the hot spot. Only use this remedy if your dog cannot reach the area to lick it or you will have added problems resulting from the product.

Aloe Vera

Apply aloe vera directly from the plant or from a tube of 100 percent aloe vera gel to the hot spot. Aloe vera is not toxic if your pet licks it, but you will need to reapply it often if she does.

Organic Apple Cider Vinegar

Make a mixture of half organic ACV and half water in a spray bottle. Spray the affected area several times a day.

Baking Soda

Make a paste of baking soda and water. Place the paste on a cloth and hold on the hot spot for 15 minutes or as long as your dog will let you. Repeat at least three times a day.

Sea Salt

Dissolve one part sea salt with 3 parts water then pour into a spray bottle. Spray the hot spot with this solution several times a day.

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