Friday, November 8, 2013

Tape A Chihuahua'S Ears

Tape a Chihuahua's Ears

The Chihuahua is a small breed of dog originally bred in the Chihuahua region of Mexico. Chihuahuas have small heads, erect ears and can be either short or long haired. Some Chihuahua ears do not naturally stand erect and must be taped. Taping a Chihuahua's ears is not difficult and will produce perky, upright ears with just a little time and effort.


1. Cut two sections of backer rod 1 inch longer than your Chihuahua's ears. Backer rod is stiff, round foam that can be purchased at any major hardware or home improvement store.

2. Trim a long strip of tape from the roll and wrap it around your first rod, folding it over at the end and spiraling it back to the top with the sticky side facing out. The sticky tape will hold the rod to the ear and keep it from falling out. Repeat this taping process with your second rod.

3. Place one rod gently down inside the ear, resting it in the small cup at the bottom of the ear. Press the ear flap firmly against the rod, holding it securely against the tape.

4. Take a small strip of tape and wrap it around the top of the ear, completely encircling the ear flap and rod. Pull the tape tight enough to hold the ear securely, but not so tight that you cut off circulation to the ear tip.

5. Add another strip of tape to the middle of the ear and another at the base to make sure the ear stays wrapped around the rod. Check the ear flaps before each tape strip to make sure there are no folds or wrinkles and the flap is wrapped evenly around the rod.

6. Insert the remaining rod into the opposite ear and repeat the taping process. Run a final piece of tape between the rods and wrap it at the very top, taping the two rods together. This will keep the rods upright and produce a properly erect ear on your Chihuahua.

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