Monday, November 18, 2013

Stop A Poor Cough

A bad cough can be a nuisance at least and a symptom of a serious health problem at worst. A persistent bad cough needs to be evaluated by a health-care provider to determine appropriate treatment. Infection, allergies, asthma, underlying medical conditions, medications and even stress can cause a bad cough. Before you see your doctor, try some easy treatments.


Start Easing Your Cough

1. Drink plenty of fluids. Fluids thin mucous secretions that can worsen a bad cough. Water is the best choice, and by adding fresh lemon juice or a teaspoon of honey, you may quiet that cough. Honey is very effective in calming a cough. The lemon and honey combination soothes an irritated throat that often accompanies the cough.

2. Mix a teaspoon of salt in a half glass of warm water, and gargle. Salt water can ease a tickle in the throat that often instigates a cough. It also helps soothe a sore throat.

3. Use a vaporizer to breathe in steam. Dry nasal passages and throat tissues can promote coughing. By inhaling steam, you can add moisture and humidity to your nasal passages and throat and soothe a dry, hacking cough. The vapor can also help thin mucous, making it easier for you to bring it up.

4. Suck on cough drops. Cough drops can ease a nagging cough and may help alleviate the embarrassment of a hacking cough when you are in public. Hard candy can be just as effective. Some cough drops can have a strong taste, so you may prefer the milder taste of the hard candy.

5. Eliminate allergens in your environment. Keeping a clean, dust-free home can help alleviate an irritating cough. Avoiding smoke and other irritants such as smoke from a fireplace can help stop a bad cough. Many household cleaning products contain harsh chemicals that can trigger a cough. Use nontoxic cleaners that do not give off noxious odors.

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