Participating in dog shows is thrilling and entertaining, seemingly as much for the dogs as it is for humans. There are plenty of things to do to prepare for a dog show too, such as training and grooming. However, the initial necessary task is to register your dog, first with a kennel club (for purebreds) and then for a show event.
Learn Register Your Dog In A Show
1. Take first things first. If you plan to show your dog in an AKC (American Kennel Club) show, then you must first register your dog with the AKC (see Resources below). Note that in order to register with the AKC, your dog must be a purebred.
2. Be prepared to furnish certain information when you register your dog with the AKC, including litter number (if known), name of sire and dam (father and mother) and the name of the breeder, if applicable.
3. Consider what type of show is best for your dog. Does he stand a good chance of winning best in breed? Should you enter your dog in an agility contest? Is your dog a working breed (as in sheep herding)? These are the types of things to think about before you register your dog in a show.
4. Check the schedule of upcoming dog shows and register to attend online (see Resources below).
5. Read the rules and guidelines for the dog show very carefully to make sure the event is right for your dog, otherwise your dog may be disqualified. Also note what attributes the judges will be looking for so you can polish those before show time.
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