Monday, November 11, 2013

Toxic Results Of Zinc

Pennies aren't on the menu.

While zinc is an essential mineral to be included in a canine diet, too much can be detrimental to a dog's health. If you are a pet owner, knowing the difference between "just enough" and "too much" is important. Also, learning the signs of zinc toxicity may help you save your pet in the unfortunate event of a poisoning. You'll be able to effectively spot the signs of poisoning and seek medical attention immediately.


Overdosing on zinc causes a condition in dogs known as zinc toxicity. A dog's health is negatively impacted in two major ways:

Gastrointestinal irritation: The dog is unable to process food correctly, or it may not be able to process food at all.

Hemolytic anemia: Red blood cells are destroyed, and oxygen flow throughout the dog's body is impaired.


According to the Association of Feed Control Officials, growing puppies and adult dogs require a minimum daily zinc intake of 120 mg and a maximum daily limit of 1,000 mg. Zinc should be consumed naturally through the dog food that is provided. Read the ingredients on the bag containing your dog's food to see how much zinc is included.

Signs of Toxicity

Charlotte Means, a doctor of veterinary medicine at the National Animal Poison Control Center, lists several behaviors and signs that might indicate zinc toxicity.

A normally energetic and excitable dog becomes extremely lethargic. Vomiting and diarrhea become severe, and the dog is unable to keep down normal amounts of food and water. A dog may also have a tender abdomen that is painful to the touch.

Sources of Zinc

Kennels and dog cages might have nuts, bolts and other galvanized metal pieces that contain zinc. Galvanized metal (steel that has a thin zinc coating) is a major source of zinc, so be careful that food and water bowls are nongalvanized. Certain human topical creams and ointments (such as zinc oxide ointment, used for soothing irritated skin) contain dangerous levels of zinc. Make sure these are locked away where puppies and other curious pets cannot gain access.

Lastly, pennies minted after 1982 are more than 99 percent zinc. If a dog swallows just a few of these, it can be enough to cause zinc toxicity.


If the zinc poisoning is caused by ingested items, surgery might be required to remove the item(s) from the dog's stomach. Depending on the severity of the toxicity, blood transfusions may be required. However, for most cases, simply removing the source of zinc allows the dog's natural immune system to recover and new red blood cells to be produced over time.

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