Friday, November 29, 2013

How Totake Proper Care Of Pitbull Young puppies

Pit bull puppy in a field

Pit bull puppies are known to be friendly, energetic and easily trainable. However, due to their tendency to be aggressive, raising a pit bull puppy takes careful consideration and planning. Pit bulls are large, strong, muscular dogs that often possess extremely high play and prey drives. In addition to basic health, grooming and emotional needs, pit bulls require early socialization and training.


1. Fill your pit bull puppy's basic needs. Feed it twice a day. Ensure it always has fresh, clean water. Provide health care if needed.

2. Exercise your pit bull puppy. Allow it to frolic and chase a ball. A tired pit bull puppy is a happy pit bull puppy. Pit bull puppies who don't get enough exercise often are destructive and have behavioral issues. Don't let your pit bull puppy jump or play harsh games of tug-of-war. Pit bull's bones continue growing until they're about 12 months old. Rough impacts could damage your pit bull puppy's growth.

3. Begin obedience and crate training early. Pit bull puppies grow to be very strong, muscular dogs. Early obedience training is crucial to ensure that your large dog will be a well-rounded, well-controlled and safe member of the family.

4. Socialize your pit bull puppy with all kinds of people. Make sure it meets men, women, big people, little people, people of different ethnicities and people in a variety of places. The more people your puppy can meet, the more settled and accepting it will be as an adult dog.

5. Socialize your pit bull puppy with a variety of animals. Pit bulls tend to genetically be a bit aggressive. Make sure your puppy meets friendly adult dogs of all breeds. Introduce your puppy to cats while the puppy is smaller than the cat. If a puppy learns early that a cat can defend itself and is stronger than the puppy, it will learn to leave them alone, even when bigger than the cat.

6. Take your puppy to a variety of places. This ensures your puppy grows to be a stable, well-rounded dog.

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