Tuesday, November 26, 2013

How Can Dogs Get Kennel Cough

How Do Dogs Get Kennel Cough?

Causes of Kennel Cough

Kennel Cough is the most common respiratory problem in dogs. It is also known as Bordetella or canine infectious tracheobronchitis. This is a highly contagious disease, and it is passed easily between dogs. Organisms, such as parainfluenza virus agents or mycoplasma, cause Kennel Cough. This virus will last about six days if there is no bacteria involved. However, it is common for bacteria to infect the dog along with the viral agents. The most common type of bacteria with Kennel Cough is Bordetella Bronchiseptica. The symptoms that go with this bacteria will last about 10 days; however, the dog is still contagious for up to 14 weeks. Many dogs become sick with Kennel Cough after they have been in close contact with several other dogs, or they have returned from boarding since the virus and bacteria are passed between dogs.


A dry, hacking cough is the main symptom of Kennel Cough. Some owners have described the cough as a honking sound. Some dogs will also have watery nasal drainage with the cough. Some dogs will also retch. If the dog has a mild case of Kennel Cough, the coughing and nasal drainage will most likely be the only symptom. The dog will still eat and act normal. If a dog has recently been boarded and shows these symptoms, he most likely contracted Kennel Cough at the boarding facility from coming in contact with another dog with the virus. If the dog has a severe case of Kennel Cough, then he may be lethargic, have a fever and maybe show signs of pneumonia. In this case, the owner should get the dog to the vet right away.

Prevention and Treatment

Kennel Cough can be prevented or at least only mildly affect a dog if he is vaccinated with five-way vaccines or the Kennel Cough (Bordetella) vaccine. If a dog does contract a mild case, sometimes a vet will prescribe antibiotics to help with the bacterial infection; but the cough, caused by the virus, will last just as long. To help with the cough, some owners will give their dogs children's over-the-counter cough medicine. If the dog has a severe case of Kennel Cough and also has a fever or pneumonia, then the vet will always prescribe antibiotics. To help with tenderness in the neck, owners will often remove neck collars and use harnesses or head collars. The dog with Kennel Cough is often kept isolated from other dogs.

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