Friday, November 15, 2013

Find The Best Vet Concentrating In Great Danes

Find a Good Vet Specializing in Great Danes

Great Danes are large dogs that require special care. Great Danes should be seen by a veterinarian for a checkup yearly until they are 5 years of age and every six months thereafter. Great Danes with health issues, such as diabetes or epilepsy, should be seen every three months to evaluate overall health and the medical condition. There are several things you can do to find a vet who specializes in treating Great Danes.


1. Ask the vet your other pets have seen for a referral to a vet who specializes in Great Danes. Your regular vet probably will have a varied referral list.

2. Use a veterinary referral service, such as Find a Veterinarian. Referral services will help you find a veterinarian in your local area who specializes in treating Great Danes. Remember to call all vets you are considering to verify that they specialize in treating Great Danes.

3. Network with other pet owners and those interested in Great Danes. Your groomer, friends with pets, and people who you meet at pet-friendly places such as the dog park and dog shows might be able to refer you to a vet who specializes in Great Danes.

4. Contact a veterinary school or veterinarian technician school in your local area, and ask for referrals to veterinarians who specialize in Great Danes. Veterinary students and veterinary technician students perform their clinical rotations at a variety of pet shelters and animal hospitals. Therefore, they might know of a vet who specializes in treating Great Danes.

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