Monday, November 18, 2013

Dachshund Gifts

With the dachshund's adorable countenance and easy temperament, it's easy to see why gifts could be lavished on them. Though the standard chew toy and dog blanket can brighten up his day, if you're thinking of something unique to give then maybe you need to be a little more creative. Don't forget his owner, too. It doesn't hurt to have a little something for the doxie-lover.

Doxie Travel Aids

Dachshunds get tired easily because of their stubby legs and elongated form. Though you may take them out for long walks, sometimes it becomes quite a chore when you're finally going home. A foldable doggie stroller is a convenient way of going around this, helping both doxie and owner in a single stroke. If a stroller's not your thing, then get one of those pet sling bags so you could carry your doxie comfortably. Personalize it by having your dog's name on it, and add a couple of chew toys to sweeten the deal.

Doggie Ramps

Doxies have fragile backs, making it a bit harder for them to jump on couches or climb the stairs. Help him out by buying a doggie ramp for his convenience. Get something light, sturdy,and portable enough to use it for quite a long time. The standard size of dog ramps is around 3 feet, so if your dachshund prefers higher places, maybe you could get something that can extend to a longer height. You could also have these ramps built inside the house, but try the default ramps first before going on to something more permanent.


Though he is already adorable without all the frills, why not get him a doggie harness that could double as his outfit? Harnesses are can't choke or hurt your dog like collars do, and with the dachshund's build it seems even a better option. Dress her up with different styles, or choose something that complements your outfits. There are also designs that are made more for comfort and done in black and grey.

Pet Hotel and Spa Certificate

Pets get stressed too, even more than people would notice. That is why there are spa services and even hotels made especially for pets. Pamper your dachshund with a long, luxurious massage and a hot bath, then have him checked-in to your nearest pet hotel. If this is unavailable in area, just ask your local veterinarian if they know of a pet spa consultant that gives home service.

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