Wednesday, November 13, 2013

So How Exactly Does An Rfid System Work

RFID tags
track animals and objects.

RFID is an acronym for radio frequency identification. RFID uses radio waves to transfer information from electronic tags to a data collection terminal. RFID tags are used to track or identify objects. Some RFID scanners can even read concealed tags from distances as great as several meters.

Passive RFID Tags

Passive RFID tags do not contain an internal power supply. Passive tags cannot generate and transmit a signal to a terminal for recognition and storage.

Active RFID Tags

Tags that contain a battery power source can transmit signals to an external reading terminal.

Battery Assisted RFID Tags

Battery assisted RFID tags are passive tags that require a signal from an external source to activate the transmission of information from the tag to a reader terminal.


RFID tags are finding increased usage in tracking and identifying animals and mineral objects. Some of the notable uses include animal tracking, inventor control, asset management, retail sales, transportation logistics, toll road use and seasonal parking.

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