Friday, November 15, 2013

Feed A Pitbull Puppy For Optimum Growth

Feed a Pitbull Puppy for Maximum Growth

The pit bull is a powerful, muscular dog breed by nature. While pit bulls have long been bred for their strength, genetics can only take a dog so far. If you do not give your pit bull the proper nutrition, he will likely grow up scrawny and unhealthy, the antithesis of good health. Proper feeding habits should begin during the puppy stage, when your pit bull experiences the most natural growth.


1. Stock up on the correct puppy food. Economy brands may save you money, but they will not provide you with the nutrients you need to keep up with your puppy's rapid metabolism. Look for a puppy food with the word "Premium" or "Performance" on the label, and choose a brand that emphasizes high protein. Check the ingredients and ensure that "meat" appears first on the list.

2. Feed your pit bull puppy approximately five-and-a-half cups of dry food each day, or one-and-a-half cans of wet food combined with three cups of dry food. Due to their high levels of energy, puppies can consume as much as one-and-a-half times as much food as a typical adult dog, according to the Dog Breed Information Center. Divide the food over two meals each day for optimum metabolism.

3. Feed your pit bull puppy at the same times every day for the healthiest digestion. Varying the feeding times can lead to recurring diarrhea, constipation and other digestive problems, which will hinder your puppy's healthy growth.

4. Give your puppy plenty of water. Due to the high levels of energy and athleticism in pit bull puppies, you will need to ensure that your pup's water bowl always has a fresh supply of water to prevent dehydration. You can further ensure healthy digestion by using filtered water, which does not contain the chlorine and contaminants found in tap water.

5. Give your puppy plenty of exercise. In order to achieve the right kind of natural growth, she will need to metabolize all of the protein and other nutrients and start building muscle. Take her for a daily walk and let her spend time outdoors running and playing.

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